Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I have been somewhat missing in action from blogging for most of 2008 due to a combination of factors. I am hoping to load some posts from my various travels (backdated) so you can see what I was up to. Since it's January 1, it seems like a good time to get back to posting about my creative activities.

Like many others, I have been encouraged by Christine Kane's blog, to choose a word to guide me throughout the year. After much thought and deliberation I have chosen EMERGE as my word for 2009. Later blog posts will describe how I intend to use this word to meet my goals for 2009. I think it's a word that best describes what I have so far been able to set down on paper regarding my intentions for this year. I have also been much inspired by Lisa Call's blog Lisa is very generous in sharing her thoughts and processes about her work and decision making.

For Christmas this year, I gave myself the gift of books. Books to assist me on my own journey as an artist. I may share some of those along the way. I look forward to reading them and absorbing them. I used a daytimer for years and haven't the past couple of years while my life has been in flux. To keep better track of my time, goals and work towards them, I bought a 2 page/day one so I could track where I am spending my time and where I might rather spend it. I am counting on this tool as an important one to help the organized Louise EMERGE once again.
When I write down what I want to get done the next day it means I already know where to start in the morning instead of wondering what needs to be done first.

Stanza has a more open attitude to her day however -

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